Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Philosophy of Living in Right Relation to Others

(One of those messy, half-baked sort of posts - this comes from an old piece of paper that I'd like to toss):

Docility/ Openness to Friendly Criticism (includes taking your ideas lightly)

The Virtue of Life - aspiring to look upon others through God's eyes (being aware of what we value people for and the danger of de-humanizing them cf. The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute)

Test everything, hold fast to what is good.

Rejoice in the Good.

Cultivating an atmosphere of appreciation.

Learning how to fight well - especially find resolution and not attack the person.

Meeting people where they are. - "The truth must dazzle gradually".

Perspective (you can be so wrong even while being technically right).

Know thine enemy. (cf. Hunger Games)

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