Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Advent Is Upon Us... can be evidenced by our wreath (thank goodness we went to the Marian Shrine for Mass on Sunday where advent candles were available for purchase - all the other stores seem to limit their candle color schemes to "earth tones"), the portions of our Fontanini Nativity set that are scattered around the house (Mary and Joseph are having quite a discombobulated journey to Bethlehem), the potted rose bush that is now playing the part, quite nicely, of a Jesse Tree.

There are a bunch of presents for the pregnancy help center (from our parish's giving tree) awaiting sorting and delivery.

The library tree is up but needs a few additional ornaments.

St. Nicholas Day is tomorrow.

We have two discussions and a Latin Club Roman Holiday Party at our house later this week.

Blogging may be light. :)

And we're actually having a really good week so far - *LOVE* the snow - the crazy storm over the weekend that brought several inches of snow and then a bunch of freezing rain have created a winter wonderland that have had the kids outside almost more than inside during daylight hours. Hope the snowsuits hold up under all the sliding!


Kristen Laurence said...

"Mary and Joseph are having quite a discombobulated journey to Bethlehem."

-I love it!

Now I'm missing snow. It sounds so delightful.

love2learnmom said...

It really is very funny. Kate, in particular, will find them in some odd place where Frank left them and very sweetly say, "Oh, no, they don't go there!" and find a new spot to move them to. :) On year our poor Mary was lost for about a week while traveling through the office. Of course it wasn't all that hard to get lost in the office! :)

The snow is nice, but the cold gets old, though. I do miss California sometimes. The good thing now is that the kids can take care of their snow gear (well at least getting it on - not generally putting it away!) themselves.