Tuesday, October 24, 2006

More Prayer Requests

First I've been meaning to ask for prayers for the "Common Room" family who were recently in a serious car accident. All seem to be on the mend, but I'm sure they'd still appreciate additional prayers.

A family on one of my e-mail lists asks prayers for their teenage son who has been hospitalized with psychiatric problems.

Finally, I would like to request your prayers again for my good friend Katrina for whom I shared a novena prayer a little while back. She has had multitudinous health issues and over a million dollars in medical tests. At first she was diagnosed with "Lou Gehrig's Disease" but the diagnosis has since changed (more than once I think). It's a great challenge already to deal with these things and raise her family (she has three young children). Now her husband is scheduled to return to Iraq for another year (really an extra three months on top of that with training and such). Please, please, keep them in your prayers. She has such a good sense of humor and seems to be handling things rather well (and she does credit the prayers for that). She told me today that she asked lots of people to pray the novena to St. Clare for her - even ones who weren't religious or who weren't currently going to church. One of the moms returned to the Church after praying the Novena.

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