Monday, September 04, 2006

Prayer Request

I'm asking again for prayers for Katrina (my best friend from my homeschooled high school days). She's a young military mom with three children under the age of ten. Last year she was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease - a terrible degenerative disease with no cure that is 100% fatal. They since changed the diagnosis but haven't really figured out what's causing her muscle degeneration. The re-diagnosis indicated that she would end up with "only" lower-body paralysis and in a wheelchair, but without threat to her life. She's suffered through dozens and dozens of painful tests and medical treatments and still doesn't have clear answers. (The symptoms started when she was pregnant with her third and her husband was in Iraq for a year - she started losing certain movements in her feet and started falling a lot.)

She's asking for prayers to St. Clare, since the disease now seems to be affecting her upper body. Here is the message I got from her yesterday (she gave me permission to share it here):

Alicia, Not too proud to ask or beg if the case be.. haha.

Alicia, you had once asked me if I needed anything to ask and I am feeling weak of spirit and body at the moment and wanted to ask you to say a novena to St. Clare of Assisi for me, for strength in mind and body and healing. I am feeling weak in my upper body now and am worried the disease is coming to my upper body and am a little terrified that I may be paralyzed over my entire body so I am asking you for your gift of prayer.

Down the centuries, the gracious and gentle St. Clare has continued to ask the afflicted ones in the world: WHY DO YOU NOT COME TO ME TO BE CURED? No stranger to suffering,- she bore the cross of illness for more than twenty-eight years,- this first spiritual daughter of St. Francis still desires to help those who suffer to share as deeply and as fruitfully as she did in the mystery of redemptive love. A woman of unbounded faith and hope, she teaches the secret of finding peace amid suffering: union with Jesus Crucified. "If you suffer with Him," she wrote, "you will reign with Him."

Pope John Paul II once remarked that there was no concern, suffering, anguish or discouragement of others which did not find an echo in the hearts of St. Clare and her spiritual progeny.

I am inviting you to join me in enlisting St. Clare’s intercession. Please say this prayer once a day consecutive for 9 days and you may add any prayers you feel. Thank you for any prayers you can send me. Much Love, Katrina

St. Clare of Assisi
O God, You who filled
the heart of St. Clare with love
for the mysteries of the Cross and
caused her to rejoice to share
in the sufferings of Christ,
grant that through her example and prayers
all who suffer in mind, heart or body
may find serenity in suffering,
faith in time of trial,hope in Your healing mercy
and be given a share in the everlasting light and love
of Your heavenly kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

Cay Gibson said...

Praying for your dear friend and her family.