A fun project/contest for an upcoming book by Mary G. being published by Hillside Education. Won't you give it a try too? Deadline is February 15.
From Mary G.:
Margot Davidson at Hillside Education has consented to publish the book I've written, In His Image: Nurturing Creativity in the Home, and we're hoping to have it out this spring.
We'd like to use Michelangelo's Creation of Man image as the cover, but not the original. Would you ask your children under the age of 18, to do a sketch, drawing or painting of the Creation of Man? Ted Schluenderfritz, who will do the layout of the cover will choose the winner for the cover of the book. The winner will receive a free copy of the book and credit for being the artist.
We'd like the submissions by February 15th.
Here are the guidelines:
* anyone under the age of 18 can compete -- public, private, parochial or home-educated
* only hand-done work will be reviewed (no computer graphics allowed)
* the image should be scanned in at high res and sent to Margot at Hillside -- or you can send the original to Margot (Hillside Education, 475 Bidwell Hill Road, Lake Ariel, PA 18436) for her to scan
* the artist can draw all of the picture, or only God and Adam, or just the fingers touching ... whatever they'd like as long as it is clearly a representation of Michelangelo' s original
* any 2-d media may be used for this project -- collage, paint, pen-and-ink, colored pencil, whatever.
1 comment:
Very cool! Can't wait to see 'em!
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