Sunday, November 02, 2008

'Tis the Season

DSC_9119, originally uploaded by Chez VH.

For Jack-o-Lanterns and Jack-o-Lantern smiles.

This week we seemed to have everything out-of-order, or at least on the wrong day. Our trick-or-treating was last weekend and we had an All Saints Day Mass and celebration with our homeschool group last Thursday. Combine that with All Saints Day itself not being a Holy Day of Obligation (we were planning to head to Mass anyway, but were thwarted by the discovery of a half-starved kitten outside our basement window-well which required a drive to the local humane society who will know how to take care of her - the kids are very anxious to check up on her condition in a few days and shed many tears at her departure) and it seemed like a rather discombobulated week on the whole.

We did enjoy visiting Old World Wisconsin on Halloween (which was the last day open for the season) and the two oldest went to the Lit/movie club on Frankenstein while the rest of us had a nice little bonfire at a friend's house.

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