Monday, May 28, 2007

When the Kids do Most of the Picture-Taking...

Originally uploaded by Chez VH
you never know what you'll find.

We picked up this dragon and a few knights from Target last year for our Frank who is big on swords and all. I've decided that the dragon must be in league with the dog - all of the poor gallant knights have been chewed to bits, but the dragon remains untouched undefeated. Uh-oh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good old dragon...

"If there was a dragon, he had a grandmother."
-- GKC Tremendous Trifles 82

"...even the most dehumanized modern fantasies depend on some older and simpler figure; the adventures may be mad, but the adventurer must be sane. The dragon without St. George would not even be grotesque."
-- GKC, The Man Who Was Thursday CW6:513