Sunday, December 24, 2006

CINning - it's all in the family

It's been nearly 20 years since my sister, her husband and two friends started Catholic Information Network. The year was 1987 and Pope John Paul II was visiting the United States (with an extensive tour of our home state, California). CIN was started in commemoration of his visit and with the particular intention of making his encyclicals and talks more accessible to the public. Back then I was just a senior in high school, we used P.C. Pursuit (I think that's what it was called) to connect up to various BBS's to discuss the faith. It was a fantastic experience for me to be involved in running one of the CIN nodes that year. That's a long time ago now but I think CIN was a pioneer among the great Catholic websites that have made a wealth of information and resources readily available to the public today.

In order to better serve visitors to the Catholic Information Network website, a companion blog has just been started and I'm joining my sister and my mom as a contributor to the CIN Blog. There's a lot of interesting Christmas reading (and pictures!) there, so please take a peek!

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