I am from quiet suburbs that overgrew fertile orchards.
I am from the morning glory, the daisy; lemon bush and orange tree and a piece of garden all my own.
I am from taffy pull parties and gingerbread houses at Christmas, from my parents and six siblings and lots of laughter, noise and love.
I am from "the latest" computers and thrift-store clothes and singing around the fireplace when the power went out.
From listening to my mom read Narnia and believing I could do anything if I worked hard and put my mind to it.
I am from the Catholic Church for generations and from far-off lands.
I'm from San Francisco, Canada, Ireland, Luxemburg and the Azores; spaghetti, linguica and sourdough bread.
From a third order Carmelite Portuguese whaler, from an Irish noblewoman who married a blacksmith and from her great-grandson who never made it to New Zealand because he met my grandmother while stuck in San Francisco with the flu.
I am from hundreds and hundreds of pictures and slides squirreled in the upper shelves of my bedroom closet; glimpses of the past treasured more each day as my children begin to see where they're from.
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