Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Love of Learning Dads

You know, I should mention, as a follow-up to that post about love of learning moms, that it was my dad who came up with the "love2learn" name for my homeschool website. We were visiting my parents in California (in 1999) when I was ready to move the site to its own domain name and we were brainstorming. My sister was one of the founders of Catholic Information Network and later expressed that it might have been nice to have something less formal and "official-sounding" - a concept which I could well relate to. I wanted to welcome non-homeschoolers too. The "love2learn" name appealed to me both because I wanted to encourage enthusiasm for learning in my family and others and because I was thinking about what the founder of Thomas Aquinas College, Dr. Ronald McArthur, said one time in Theology class that really surpised me at the time - that all learning is for the sake of knowing Christ. That's one more good reason to cultivate a love of learning in our families.

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