Monday, December 15, 2008

Midnight Shadows

Midnight Shadows on the Snow, originally uploaded by Chez VH.

One night last week I was up late fussing on the computer after everyone else had gone to bed. I finally started heading up when I looked out the front window and suddenly wished that I knew how to paint. It was a clear night with a beautiful ground-covering of snow and a full moon! The land and everything on it looked almost as if it was daytime (though the sky was much darker), you could see everything perfectly and there were perfect shadows everywhere.

I had to bundle up and try my hand at the camera outside. It was pretty difficult to capture pictures because it was too dark for the camera to handle auto-focus and really too dark for me to see what I was trying to focus on. Naturally using the flash would ruin all of the beautiful shadows and subtlety.

This was probably the best shot I got of tree shadows on the snowy ground.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo! I love the light of nighttime snow.

clairity said...

I love the effect. And anyway, you had the experience!

Sweetness and Light said...

Oh that is so awesome!