Yesterday, I decided it was time to come up with a new, sleeker (as in, doesn't-take-up-most-of-your-computer-screen) photo for the blog and quickly realized that I had nothing quite right available. So I dragged the kids away from their Olympic viewing yesterday afternoon and into the yard. No changes of clothes or brushing hair or anything - just see what happens. We had lots of fun (and I took LOTS of photos and tried all sorts of different shots) and I finally had an idea that I thought might work. I sent them all in the house to get a book they really liked. Here's what they found....

But most of the kids were eager to get back to the Olympics so I finally let them go. But Frank was so wrapped up in his book (one of the amazingly colorful Ruth Heller World of Language Series) that he wanted to stay for more. And Ria stayed with him. Which is how this more impromptu shot happened (I love having a shot with the other kids running back to the house in the background)...

and the one that made the top of the blog, of course. :)
Great header! God bless Ria for being such a wonderful big sister to her little brother!
Very cool ... I like the one of all reading too ....
I love it.
Ditto ALL the previous comments. ;)
Great look of love toward her brother in Ria's eyes.
The new header's adorable!
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