Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Tale of Two Christophers

I ordered Christopher Derrick's Escape from Scepticism (a book I've long-neglected despite its connection with TAC - though I have read a great deal of Words and the Word and really liked it!) a week or so ago and received it in the mail yesterday. When the kids brought me the mail with an intriguing padded envelope, they wanted to know what was in it. I said, "The book by Christopher Dawson... no, that's not it. I can't remember the title."

When I opened the book itself... I found this first paragraph in Fr. Rutler's Foreward to the book and we were all highly amused...

An imp keeps making my pen want to write "Dawson" when I mean "Derrick". He must be wise as well as whimsical because both Christophers have written with profound sensibility and both have much to teach a generation which has not been taught the criteria for profundity.

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