Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thanks for Thursdays

Continuing with the weekly carnival, hosted this week at The Journey of a Mother's Heart.

I heard Dawn Eden was working on a list of a thousand things she's grateful for. Wow! I'll just stick with ten more to share here this week. :)

I'm grateful for...

1. For the IHM nuns (of the Philadelphia variety) who taught me in grade school.

2. For my own homeschool years and for my family, friends and mentors who had such an impact on my high school years.

3. For my husband's employer (going on 10 years now) who have been mostly steady and solid (except for that one time after 9/11 when he got laid off with his whole department - for a day - and then rehired to work in a different department - still thankful for that especially since I was 7 months pregnant with Kate at the time) and who have been very good about his migraines, his need to call in to conference calls from home on occasion, etc. etc.

4. For great publishers like Bethlehem Books whose books have made an enormous impact on our family.

5. For wonderful authors like G.K. Chesterton, Hilda Van Stockum, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Constance Savery, Carol Ryrie Brink, Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope John Paul II, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Rumer Godden, Regina Doman, Danielle Bean, Melissa Wiley and so many, many, many others.

6. For all the other Catholic homeschool moms who blog and share their ideas, resources, joys and sorrows with others. Yes, blogging has its ups and downs, but I think there is a lot of good going on.

7. For those who comment on my blog and my children's blogs. You don't know how much you are appreciated.

8. For Pope John Paul the Great and Mother Teresa who were beacons of faith, hope and charity during my formative years.

9. For living in a country where we are able to freely live our faith and raise and educate our children according to our beliefs.

10. For all those people whose sacrifices and hard work have made #9 true.

And while we're on the topic of thankfulness, The Headmistress/Zookeeper found what experts have to say about making lists of things you're thankful for.


Anonymous said...

I have stumbled upon your blog, and I have found it to be very refreshing. I do not homeschool my children, nor am I Catholic. However, it is so great to know that there are still a few people in this world who want to teach their children to be Christians, educated and well versed. I look forward to reading your blog more often.

love2learnmom said...

Thank you!

It's nice to have you here. :)

Christine said...

I really appreciate your Thankful posts. They are very thoughtful and thought provoking. Thank you for taking the time to share.

love2learnmom said...

Thanks Christine. You are very kind.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and varied list. I'm grateful for your blogs and for all that you do for other homeschooling moms!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what Karen said. You are very appreciated, Alicia, and I might add, very cool.

Love in Christ,


love2learnmom said...

Aw, thanks gals. We all woke up a little cranky, with sore throats and your kind thoughts really made my day.