Wednesday, June 28, 2006

50th Week

My parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this week (and my mom's birthday is today - apparently she shares this special day with a few others, as a matter of fact my dad was baptized the day my mom was born), and as we all prepare to make our way to their home to celebrate, I thought I'd share a little here.

This is what my dad wrote about the occasion...

Yeah, I was the young, brash, scoundrel who lucked out with the right girl!

Of course over time, I gradually came to realize that this was all really much more blessing than dumb luck, that I "clicked" with this super special girl who became my wife and mother of our 7 beautiful children. Maryanne's deep Catholic faith and love and dedication to our family made all this possible in the eyes of God. And I now more than ever, appreciate the reality of the numerous blessings that our Heavenly Father continues to shower upon our loving and growing family. He has guided us through the trials and tribulations of these past 50 years and has blessed us with twenty six grandchildren (+ 2 more coming) who enjoy the true love and security of their own very special parents.

And so I pray, that I will always appreciate what I have been given with this beautiful wife and beautiful family on this great occasion.

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