Monday, October 24, 2005


A question for all of you Chesterton enthusiasts (I love GKC, but am not terribly knowledgeable). My 12 year old daughter would describe herself as a G.K. Chesterton freak. She LOVES the Fr. Brown audio books (from Blackstone Audio Books - 1/2 price for homeschoolers!) and the Ballad of the White Horse (thanks in part to Regina Doman's Shadow of the Bear - she's actually working on MEMORIZING the Ballad of the White Horse). She's becoming a regular reader of Dr. Thursday's delightful blog. I'd love to feed this interest in Chesterton and great books. Any suggestions for other Chesterton writings that might be up her alley, or other books that would be appreciated by someone with these interests??? I was thinking of subscribing to Gilbert! magazine - I've never seen it - would that be interesting/worthwhile for young readers?

Thanks & God Bless!

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