Sunday, February 12, 2006

Children's Book Author/Bio Websites

We have a new fad going in our family - inspired by John's paternal grandmother. Rather than have Mom and Dad pick out birthday presents ahead of time, the children are choosing to have a special outing with Mom and Dad to Barnes and Noble (with a budget) to do some fun shopping. Naturally we had to visit the dessert cafe afterwards! Well today was our first such excursion with Terri (who turned 8 today). The three of us had a wonderful, unhurried visit through the children's section.

Anyway, I discovered a few new books that I'm hoping to read some time (I wasn't the one with the book budget today!) and that got me sidetracked on something else. I was investigating the authors of the two books of interest (one on the story of Margret and H.A. Rey's flight from Paris during World War II - by Louise Borden - and the other, a very beautiful collection of Saint stories with REAL art - gorgeous!) and enjoyed browsing through some related websites. Since I've searched through some other author sites before (and started collecting them in my bookmarks), I thought I'd start pulling it together and share a rather substantial list. I hope to pull together my children's literature section on love2learn someday, and I think this might help.

(Naturally, just because I like some of their books, doesn't mean that I recommend all.)

In the meantime, enjoy...

By the way, these are all different "kinds" of links - official author sites, biographies written by fans, interviews, obituaries, etc.

Mitsumasa Anno
Michael Aquilina, III
Ann Ball

Ludwig Bemelmans
Jeanne Bendick
Jennie Bishop
Louise Borden
Jan Brett
Carol Ryrie Brink
Lewis Carroll
Barbara Cooney
Jean de Brunhoff
Tomie dePaola
Regina Doman
Marjorie Flack
Rumer Godden
Ruth Heller
Norton Juster
Kathryn Lasky
C.S. Lewis
Astrid Lindgren
Arnold Lobel
Milton Lomask
Maud Hart Lovelace
Robert McCloskey
A.A. Milne
Else Holmelund Minarik
L.M. Montgomery
Josephine Nobisso
Sterling North
Mary Pope Osborne
Theoni Pappas
Leo Politi
Margret and H.A. Rey
Kate Seredy
Ian Serraillier
Dr. Seuss
Seymour Simon
Caroline Dale Snedeker
Donald J. Sobol
Diane Stanley
Showell Styles
Hilda Van Stockum
Amy Welborn
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Melissa Wiley
Mary Fabyan Windeatt

And while I'm on the topic of Terri's birthday, I just loved her narration on The Cats in Krasinski Square from last week. :)

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